Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Playing Ketchup

Ketchup by a2gemma

Now that February is over, I am playing ketchup (catch up).  Although February is the shortest month of the year, so far, it has been my busiest.  I was swamped!!  I have missed almost every Carnival since the new year, as well as just about every meme that has gone around, and most definately each of the Weekly Genea-prompts.  And, I am sure you have noticed there has been very few posts here on this blog, and no new posts on my Graveyard Rabbit blog.

No, I am not going to try to catch up on all of those things. That is just impossible.  However, my schedule has lightened up considerably.  So what does that mean?  More blogging and more participation in the geneablogosphere.

Later this week.... a recap of my trip to St. George and the Family History Expo, with photos, of course. Posting for the Surname meme that has been going on since last week, as well as an award I was given about two or three weeks ago.

Thanks for stickin' around.

Photo credit: Ketchup by a2gemma