I am representing the country of Walengada. The flag I created at we are multicolored represents my Welsh, English and Canadian Heritage.

The Competition categories have at least five Events. Completion of the events will result in a medal. There are five medal levels: bronze for completion of one event; silver for completion of two events; gold for completion of three events; diamond for completion of four events; platinum for completion of five or more events. My plan seems a bit ambitious as I want to compete in all of the categories, and to complete most of the events. My competitive spirit will not allow me to do less! This will require a lot of hard work and dedication to my family history over the course of the next two weeks. It will be worth it.
So, without further ado, here are the categories:
1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!
I like this category a lot as it will force me to go back through my family files and properly cite my sources. My trusting copy of Elizabeth Shown Mills' "Evidence Explained Citing History Sources from Artifacts to Cyberspace" is sitting on my desk.
I am not just planning to go for the gold on this one - I'm planning to go for Platinum!
2. Back Up Your Data
Now I have no excuse to not do this. I will be writing out a shopping list of the needed items - DVDs, memory sticks, external hard drive. Trip to Best Buy or Staples to get those items.
There is a place here in the city that specializes in information storage. I think I will be checking them out. Also, I want to check out some on-line storage options. Last, I will be making hard copies and CDs to send to my brother who lives in another city, for safe keeping.
My aim is for the Platinum on this one - but I will be happy if I can claim gold.
3. Organize Your Research
Well the fact of the matter is, if I don't do this, then participation in the above two categories just won't happen. This will probably take me the longest am out of time to do. When I post about the whole process you will understand what a huge task this is going to be. I will be happy with a gold in this category.
4. Write, Write, Write
This looks like a really fun category. Although I don't fancy myself a writer, participation in this category will make me get out of my box and enter that writing box. We will just have to see what happens when I get to this.
5. Reach Out and Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness
What a great opportunity to give back to our genealogical community. I'm not sure I can make it to the Platinum level, but I'm sure going to try.
To read the details and rules about these categories and the events click here.
That's my basic game plan. The Group Games look like they will be a lot fun. I will be keeping everyone up to date on my progress throughout the games.
Let the games begin...