Lori Thornton over at Smoky Mountain Family Historian honoured me with a Blogging Friends Forever Award. My first thought upon receiving this was "How cool is that?!" She got her award from Terry, who got his award from footnoteMaven, who got hers from Miriam, who got hers from Carole.
Thanks Lori for thinking of me.
Here are the rules:
Here are the five people I am passing the BFF award onto:
Thomas at Destination: Austin Family
Janet at Janet the researcher
Lorine at Olive Tree GenealogyDenise at Moultrie Creek and Family Matters
Colleen at Orations of OMcHodoy
All of these genea-bloggers do a great job of bloggingng their thoughts, ideas and tips about genealogy. I hope you will take the time to visit their blogs.