Thursday, October 16, 2008

I Laughed, I Cried, I Commented

On last Friday's Fun Friday post, I challenged my readers to visit ten blogs and comment on them. So, not to be shown up by my genea-blogger buddies, here is the list of the ten blogs I visited and the posts which I left comments on.

1. Genealogy Musings by Holly Timm. Holly shares how her browsing for ancestors led to a beautiful portrait at the Louisiana State Museum and the story behind it at an unexpected face found.

2. Thomas 2.0 by Thomas MacEntee. Thomas has put his technology knowledge and blogging resources to work at his new blog. I recommend you check it out.

3. Want to know the latest and greatest happenings at Ancestry? Then hop on over to 24-7 Family History Circle.

4. You have to check out the unusual and marvelous photo of T.K.'s ancestors at her post called "Tickle" at Before My Time.

5. Trace Your Dutch Roots by Henk van Kempen. If you have Dutch ancestors, then you need to visit Henk. He has a great list of resources.

6. Grace and Glory by Becky Jamison. I like the idea Becky has for making her great, great, great ancestors more personal for her.

7. Taylorstales-Genealogy has an interesting photo for her latest Wordless Wednesday post.

8. Bill West of West in New England tells the interesting three part tale of The Pursuit of David Robbins. I enjoyed all three parts of this story. Part 2 is here. I left my comment at Part 3.

9. Colleen at Orations of OMcHodoy has a great sense of humour. I think she is pulling my leg with her tale of the Underground Cemetery.

10. I regularly comment at Kitchen Retro. Lidian never fails to make me laugh. Check out the Dr. Grabow Pre-smoked Pipes.

I subscribe to quite a number of blogs. Unfortunatley, I just don't have enough time to read each and every post from every one of them everyday. However, I have challenged myself to make at least one comment (or more) on the posts I do read, everyday.