Saturday, October 4, 2008

This, That and the Other

A lot has been happening behind the scenes here at LOOKING4ANCESTORS. You likley have noticed that the look of this blog has changed quite a few times over the past month. The first time it was intentional. The second time was by mistake. I pressed the button, not realizing what I had done and my new blogger template disappeared. And I had not yet saved it. So, I decided to upload a new one altogether. I am still tweaking things here and there. You will likely see most of my changes in the side bar.
Also, I fiddled with the RSS feeds and messed that all up. It took a few days, but I have straightened it out now. If you previously subscribed to my blog and are wondering why you haven't been getting anything, it was because of me. Please forgive me, and subscribe again.
I am still having problems trying to upload the photo I want to use for my header. I am hoping that will change soon. Also, I have changed my tag line. It used to be "The search to find my ancestors never ends." While this in fact may be true, it sounds negative. Instead I have come up with this: "The continuous search to find my ancestors." Essentially both tag lines have the same meaning about what I do. The second one sounds so much better. Say them both out loud. See what I mean?

I missed posting yesterday for Fun Friday, but it is still the week-end. So, I invite you to cuddle up with your computer and your favourite beverage. Two fun things to check out:

The Getting to Know You Challenge for Genea-bloggers. Get the scoop on all your favourite genea-bloggers, plus meet some new ones, too. If you want to know about me and LOOKING4ANCESTORS, then click here.

Now that you thought you knew all about your favoutire genea-bloggers, I invite you to visit Colleen at Orations of OMcHodoy for the Genea-blogger Yearbook. I can guarantee you haven't seen anything like this before! You can find my entry here.

and the Other
The other thing is I am posting more this coming week, so I hope you will come back and visit again.