Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Naturalization Database at Library and Archives Canada

One of my favourite places for Canadian on-line research is the Library and Archives of Canada. Two of the features where I like to look for new and exciting information are on the homepage where you will find "In the Spotlight", and along the left side menu the link to "What's New". One of the items "In the Spotlight" was just announced today, and is of great interest to those researching Canadian family history. It is the New Version of the Canadian Naturalization 1915-1932 database.

What is so wonderful about this database is that if you have ancestors who came to Canada and they were not part of the British Commonwealth, you might just find them in this database. I just did a wildcard search for Rudolph and Gisella Lehotsky. And I found them!There were friends of my Grandma and Grandpa George. I am excited because this adds more information that I need for my research and story about them. Yay!


Kathryn Lake Copyright ©2009