Sunday, February 21, 2010

Canadian Genealogy Carnival 8th Edition

Welcome to the 8th Edition of the Canadian Genealogy Carnival. The topic is Winter Sports in the Great White North. What winter sports did your Canadian ancestors participate in? Did or does your family travel to Canada in the winter to take advantage of the snow?

Five geneabloggers participated this time, three of them new-comers to the CGC.  

William Bruce Hillman presents Winter Sports-Carnival of Canadian Genealogy posted at THE HILLMANS OF ELGIN COUNTY. According to William, his family participated in all winter sports, but hockey was king.

Joan Lightfoot tells of her parents love of skating and skiing in Western Canada.  She shares how her parents met during another winter activity at Winter Sports in the Great White North posted at Joan's Genealogy Jottings.  

Lynn Palermo presents Hockey is as Essential as Breathing posted at The Armchair Genealogist. Lynn tells about the history of hockey in Canada and in her family.  This is a real treat.  The photos she has posted are terrific as well.

M. Diane Rogers shares how popular curling was (and is) with Canadian prairie women at Newdale Curlers? 8th Edition - Canadian Carnival of Genealogy posted at CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt'.  

 My memories of winter fun are posted at Lake Style Winter Fun at The Lake Family of Lincolnshire.

Thanks William, Joan, Lynn and Diane for sharing your stories and photos of Winter Sports in the Great White North.

Now, it's time for Call for Submissions.  The topic for 9th edition of the CGC is Canadian Fashion Fads.  Share with us by photo and/or post the popular fashions of your Canadian family.  Submit your entry using the convenient submissions form at Blog Carnival. The deadline is April 16, 2010.


Copyright by Kathryn Lake, 2010.