Sunday, January 1, 2012

Plan, Practise and Joy Are My Three Words for 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Last year instead of posting resolutions, I posted My Three Words.
Here is a quick review of how I did.

I did well this year in investing not only in my immediate family but with close and distant cousins. I have successfully made contact with a number of cousins overseas and in the US. I am excited about these connections, and will be blogging about them and our common ancestors in 2012.

2011 was certainly a year of growth for me personally, and professionally.
I completed the three professional goals I had set for myself in 2011:
1) ProGen Study Group. What a terrific programme! The information I learned has been valuable, and the connections I made with other genealogists has been priceless.
2) Institute for Genealogical and Historical Research. I completed the course Genealogy as a Profession. Learning from the best professional genealogists in the business certainly helped me to grow professionally in the last six months.
3) Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies from the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. I successfully completed the General Methodology Certificate, the Canadian Research Certificate, and the English Research Certificate.

Through blogging, networking with other family historians, and genealogists, as well as connecting with cousins, I shared my knowledge of family history, and my ancestors during 2011.

My Three Words for 2012

Plan - I want to make better use of my time this year. Taking the time to plan each day will help me stay focused, and make the most of the time I have for work, family and play.

Practise - To take all those things I have learned in the past twelve years of doing family history and continue to put it into practise by researching, speaking, blogging or sharing on a daily basis.

Joy - To find the joy in life everyday. Yes, even on those no-good-totally-awful days. I don't want to be just a "happy" person; I want to be a joyful person.

What are your three words for 2012? Leave me a comment or a link with your three words.

Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2012.