Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What Are My Three Words for 2014?

A few years ago, I started following this exercise of Chris Brogan. Take three words and use them as your focus for your goals and efforts in the year to come. You can use these words in your business, personal and family lives.

My Three Words for 2014

Fresh - I'm taking a fresh approach on how I do business this year by making some changes to what I do, how I do it, and who I'm working with.

Fit - This just isn't a personal focus and goal, it's also a business one. It's time to cut out the distractions, make better use of my time, and get my get fit.

Fabulous - I'm working on improving my attitude in 2014. I'm aiming for fabulous - not in an arrogant, self-serving way - but in a grateful and positive way. I think having a fabulous attitude and approach will allow me to serve my customers, colleagues and contacts better in 2014 and beyond.

Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2014.