Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Starting Out or Starting Over: Getting Your Family History on Track for 2017

This last week of 2016 is the perfect time to review the state of my family history research. What have I accomplished this past year? Did I find the records I wanted? Did I go on the family history trips I planned? In what shape are my family history files?

I don't really know what I accomplished in 2016 because I didn't have a plan. I researched here and there, but it wasn't a coordinated effort. It was a willy-nilly approach to researching. I forgot that I'm supposed to treat my own family history like I treat my client's - with a research plan and a research report. Yes, I did find some of the records I was researching but I haven't done anything with them. I went on a few family history research trips this past year and on at least one of those trips I was ill-prepared. The current state of my family history files is a mess.

Does this resemble your own family history approach? Are your genealogy files a mess too?

Well, here's our chance. It's time for a change. It's time to start over. Will you join me?

Every week I'll be going through my family history in a well planned, coordinated method to properly document my ancestry. Whether you're just starting out or whether you want to start over, my free weekly programme, Starting Out or Starting Over will help us get back on track in 2017.

Wait a minute! I know some of you are thinking "Wait a minute, Kathryn. There's another well-known American genealogist who does this every year. Won't you be copying him?"
I know Thomas MacEntee does his Genealogy Do-Over program every year. Am I copying him? I don't know. There is always the possibility I could be doing what he's doing. However, I haven't followed or participated in Thomas' genealogy do-over program so I don't know what he does. 

What I do know for certain is this is something I want to do, not only for myself, but also for my blog readers, YouTube viewers, Twitter and Facebook followers, and any other genealogist with Canadian ancestry (and even those without Canadian ancestry) who want to follow along. I'm starting over from the beginning in order to properly document my ancestors. I'll be focusing on the records, especially the Canadian records, that will help me accomplish this. 

Are you interested?
The details about my free, weekly Starting Out or Starting Over programme will be shared in my upcoming LIVE Google Hangout on Air this Thursday, December 29 at 2:00 pm EST.  can be viewed on my YouTube channel here.
Joining me will be a panel of Canadian genealogists including Christine Woodcock, Ellen Thompson-Jennings, Kale Hobbes aka Sir Leprechaun Rabbit, and Pamela Wile.

Sign up to receive the link for this Thursday's Google Hangout on Air right to your email inbox, plus your weekly Starting Out or Starting Over reminders beginning January 1, 2017.

Your information is never shared with anyone else and you can unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked.

I look forward to seeing you on the monthly Hangouts this Thursday throughout 2017.

This post was updated December 31, 2016.

© Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2016. All Rights Reserved.