Monday, June 25, 2018

Are You on the List?

You've seen the movie where the character is attempting to gain access to a bar, special event or concert. The person at the door asks "Are you on the list?"
Being on the list means you get in. Sometimes it means you get special access. Sometimes it means you get benefits.

Do you want advance notice of the weekly webinars, Genealogy with a Canadian Twist?

Do you want to tips, ideas and articles about Canadian genealogy?

Do you want to know about my new products, webinars, tutorials and workshops?

Joining my Weekly Webinar mailing list gives advance notice of the weekly webinars, how to register, and how to access the replay.

Joining my Monthly Newsletter mailing list gives articles about Canadian genealogy including tips, strategies, information and resources.

Joining my Other Products mailing list gives you notice of new products, new and upcoming webinars (other than the weekly webinars), and workshops.

Want on the list?

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© Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2018. All Rights Reserved.