Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Ten New and Updated Canadian Presentations for 2019

Kathryn Lake Hogan, Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, 2018.
© Kathryn Hogan, 2018.

It may be the dog days of summer here in southwestern Ontario, however, plans for 2019 have been in the works for a while.

Here are ten new and updated presentations to help you find your ancestors in Canada. These presentations can be presented either in-person or by webinar at your society's meeting, workshop or conference.

Before Ontario: Researching in Upper Canada and Canada West
Researching ancestors in Upper Canada before 1850 is frustrating. It’s so hard to find any records. But is it really? Discover the best places to find records in this
early period of Ontario. Learn strategies for using indirect evidence in order to draw conclusions about your Upper Canada and Canada West ancestors.

Can I Use That? What You Need to Know About Canadian Copyright
Can you use that photo you snagged from an online family tree? Is it okay to copy an obituary word-for-word onto a cemetery website? What you don't know about copyright might land you in trouble. Learn what intellectual property is, and who has a right to it. Discover how the Copyright Act of Canada affects you as a family history researcher.

Defending Canada
From the War of 1812 until the end of the Second World War, Canada’s borders have been invaded but never conquered. Who were the invaders, and what did they hope to accomplish? Learn about your ancestor’s service defending Canada, and what information might be revealed about them and their families.

From East to West: Ancestral Migration Through Canada
How did your family get from Europe to the Prairies? Why did your ancestors migrate through Canada? What clues can be found in records to track your ancestor’s migration? Why did so many Quebeckers leave the province during the 1800s? What was so appealing about the Prairie Provinces? Explore the reasons that motivated our ancestors to move and start over again. Learn the techniques and strategies to follow your ancestors from east to west and beyond.

How Canada’s Immigration Policies Affected Our Ancestors
Since 1869, Canada’s immigration policies have determined who was eligible to immigrate to Canada and when. Who was the ideal immigrant settler? How did the government “sell” the Canadian West to immigrants? Settlement schemes, laws and policies that affected your ancestors’ eligibility and decision to settle in Canada will be reviewed.

How to Master the Library and Archives Canada Website
Library and Archives Canada website is an excellent resource for family historians but it can be confusing to find what you’re looking for. This presentation is your personal tour of the Library and Archives Canada website. Learn how to find the records you want, discover strategies to get results from the databases, and explore new collections to further your family history research in Canada.

How to Write an Effective Research Plan
Stop wasting your time browsing online family trees and aimlessly searching records to find the answers about your ancestry. Learn how to write an effective research plan that will help you make better use of your time, focus your research efforts and help you find answers.

Using Historical Directories in Your Genealogy
There is more to a historical directory than just finding the address where your ancestor lived. Discover all there is to explore and examine within the covers of historical directories to gain a better understanding of your ancestor’s daily life.
All examples used are Canadian directories.
I demonstrate how I solved a brick wall mystery using city directories in my own family.

What's in Your Canadian Genealogy Toolbox?
Explore the top websites for researching your ancestors in Canada. Learn where to find the best online resources for Canadian and provincial record groups, history, newspapers, maps, photographs and more to help you fill your Canadian
genealogy toolbox.

WikiTree for Canadian Genealogy
Frustrated with online public family trees? Wish you could do more with your own family tree? WikiTree is the free world-wide family tree where genealogists collaborate. Discover why WikiTree is different, and how you can build exceptional ancestral profiles with biographies, sources, photos and more. Explore Canadian categories and projects you can contribute to and use to enhance your family tree.

Each presentation features Canadian records, documents, sources, and Canadian ancestral examples.

© Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2018. All Rights Reserved