Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Register for this Week's Genealogy with a Canadian Twist Webinar: Scrapbooks, A Genealogist's Goldmine

This week on Genealogy with a Canadian Twist webinar, we have special guest, Melissa Barker, also known as The Archive Lady. Melissa is a Certified Archives Manager in the state of Tennessee. She lectures, teaches and writes about the genealogy research process, researching in archives and records preservation.
Melissa will be presenting "Scrapbooks: A Genealogist's Goldmine." No two are alike. Scrapbooks are like time capsules, they contain just about anything and until you “open them up”; you don’t know what is in them. Melissa is going to talk about different kinds of scrapbooks, how to find them, and how to preserve the ones you own.

This week's webinar is at a special time:
Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 8:00 pm ET.

When you register for the webinar, you can adjust the date and time for your time zone. 

There are a limited number of spots for this webinar. Note that registration does not automatically secure your spot as an attendee on the live webinar. You may want to arrive early to secure your spot.

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