Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Pressure of New Year's Resolutions

As we draw to the close of 2008, and look toward 2009, I am looking forward to all the possibilities and opportunities a new year holds.

But, wait. What about New Year's resolutions? Oh, the pressure! I hate new year resolutions. People always ask "Do you have any New Year's resolutions?" And of course, if those people are co-workers, family and/or friends, they will likely ask you a few weeks down the road "How are you doing with your New Year's resolution?" And if you admit you haven't quit whatever it was you were going to quit yet, lost those extra 50 lbs in 2 weeks, or started training for the Boston marathon, you see the look on their faces. You have failed!

Well, I don't like failure. So, why set myself up for it? I am planning to take a different approach. I have a list of things regarding genealogy I am planning to do, and will complete. Whether I complete them in 2009 remains to be seen.

1) Hire a professional genealogist to research the proof I need to establish William Ryckman as the father of Harman Ryckman, and as the son of Albert Ryckman. I am unable to travel to the location where the repository is located to do this myself.

2) Complete my United Empire Loyalists' Association of Canada certificate application showing my descendancy from John Ryckman UE. I need to complete #1 before I can complete this.

3) Continue studying for my Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies, and kick it up a notch! I need to hunker down and get busy with this. I want to graduate in 2010.

4) Work on my Lake family research, and blog more about this side of my family.

5) Visit more genea-blogger blogs and leave comments on them.

6) Respond regularly to those who leave comments on my blog.

7) Meet more genea-bloggers in real life.

8) Keep on learning and having fun with my fellow genea-bloggers.

9) Continue to make family history memories for my descendants by spending time with my family and away from the computer.

10) Moving LOOKING4ANCESTORS to a new location. More about that tomorrow!

Written for the 63rd Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy.