Saturday, August 23, 2008

Genea-blogger Group Games 2008 - My Final Results

Although I had high hopes to obtaining diamond and platinum medal levels in all events, the reality is that just didn't happen. With having my kids home all day since it is summer holidays for them, my time was limited to late nights in trying to complete the events. The good news is that by competing and completing in the events that I did, my overall family history and genealogy is in great shape. Playing in the Group Games has inspired me to keep going with some of these events on a regular basis.

Now here are my final results for the Genea-blogger Group Games 2008.

Category 1 - Cite Your Sources
Personally, I think I rocked in this category. I went back through the Evans line of my family and had to re-do numerous source citations, plus I added some new ones. In total I completed 123 source citations.

Medal Level: Platinum

Category 2 - Back Up Your Data
I didn't get as much done in this category as I wanted to. The perfectionist in me wanted to make sure all my source citations were complete, and my files were printed off before I backed up my data. However, I think it is a pretty good start, and I am in a better back-up situation than I was before. I will keep on working on this over the next month or so, even though the games are over.

Completed Events: A & C Medal Level: Silver

Category 3 - Organize Your Research
Event A - Organize 20 hard files. I have reprinted family group sheets for my Evans line of the family. Each direct line ancestral couple have been put into their own labelled binder, and organized on my book shelf in my office. All relevant documents have been put into archival quality plastic sleeves and added to the appropriate binder. I have tamed that paper tiger!

Completed Events: A, B, D, E Medal Level: Diamond

Category 4 - Write, write, write

Completed Events: A, B, C, D Medal Level: Diamond

Category 5 - Genealogical Acts of Kindness

The final event I completed was to join a genealogical, historical, heritage or lineage society. I joined the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.

Completed Events: A, B, E, F Medal Level: Diamond

In total I have achieved 1 Silver, 3 Diamond and 1 Platinum medals. Not too bad,eh? I'm sure my fellow Walengada citizens will be proud of my efforts. It was a lot fun participating in the GBGG 2008. Let's do it again in four years!