Friday, October 24, 2008

Fun Friday - The Commenting Results Are In

Would You? Could You? Did You? WOW! Did you ever! The response from the genea-blogger community to the "Would You Care to Comment?" challenge has been terrific. We blogged, we read, we commented. And most importantly we continue to build our genea-blogger community.

The push to comment came from Chris Brogan's post 25 Ways to Build Your Community. I took suggestion #10 to heart, and blogged about it here. And, the suggestion to make into a challenge came from Sheri Fenley, The Educated Genealogist.

Where did the genea-bloggers visit and comment? Here are the results:

Linda Stienstra of From Axer to Zieglar says "Because we all appreciate a pat on the back now and then, we can give somebody a cyber attaboy! and at the same time increase our knowledge of a subject.." Her list can be found at I cared enough to comment...

Judy Richards Schubert at Genealogy Traces said "I've really enjoyed taking this challenge on and look forward to more of the same. Here's her list: Fun Friday - Would You Care to Comment?

Bill West at West in New England wrote Would You Care to Comment (Post #400). Congratulations on 400, Bill!

"Do I have to stop now?" asks Holly Timm at genealogy musings. Holly's adventures in commenting can be found at the interesting and the unexpected...

Two large cups of skinny Chai Latte later and Cindy Bergeron Scherwinski at In My Life has completed the challenge. See where she spent her terrific Saturday morning visiting blogs at Would You Care to Comment?

"I'm always game for a challenge" says Colleen M. Johnson at CMJ Office Blog. She crossed the finish line at and completed the challenge at A Commenting Genea-blogger Challenge.

Mysteri at Heritage Happens has posted her list at Would You Care To Comment?
She says "Have you posted comments lately? They were fun to do and we all love them!"
How right you are, Mysteri.

Wendy Littrell at All My Branches Genealogy has been catching up on her geneablog reading and commenting. Read her list at Do You Have a Comment?

Janet Iles at Janet the Researcher went straight to work on the challenge. She has posted her results at Do you care to comment? - Places I left a comment.

Amy Crowe rather enjoyed the challenge and has Something to Say at Amy's Genealogy, etc. Blog.

Thomas MacEntee at Destination: Austin Family spent some time reading and commenting on some of his favourite blogs. Read his round-up of comments at A Blog Homecoming.

Carol Wilkerson got busy at iPentimento with Will You Comment? Please Do!.

Julie at Genblog plans on making commenting a part of her blog-reading routine. She has started here at Commenting, An Essential Part of Blogging.

M. Diane Rogers at CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt' "spent the morning cruising the 'net catching up with genealogy blogs". Check out where she visited and commented at Would You Care To Comment? A Genea-Blogger Challenge.

Since I was the one who had issued the challenge, I thought I had better walk the walk and not just talk the talk. My post about the blogs I read and left comments on can be found at I Laughed, I Cried, I Commented.

Although some of you didn't get a chance to participate in the challenge this time around, I know you are out there commenting nonetheless. Way to go genea-bloggers!

Keep bloggin', keep readin' and keep commentin'!