Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Canadian Genealogy Carnival 7th Edition

Welcome to the Carnival!  This is a Carousel edition featuring a variety of topics about Canadian genealogy.

Starting us off is M. Diane Rogers with Home Sweet Home in Vancouver BC Canada - Canadian Genealogy Carnival posted at CanadaGenealogy, or, 'Jane's Your Aunt'.

Evelyn Yvonne Theriault presents Montreal In The Time Of Tramways posted at A Canadian Family, saying, "My ancestors used trams as a method of transport and now it looks like my grandchildren will see them make a comeback!"
Janet Iles presents Canadian Carnival of Genealogy - Sadly, William Boyd made the news posted at Janet the researcher, saying, "William Boyd, husband of my first cousin, thrice removed made the news back in 1901. Read my posting to find out what happened. Research brought up some interesting information about others who also made the news that fateful day."
Thanks to Diane, Evelyn and Janet for participating in this edition of the Carnival.
Details about the next edition will be posted after Christmas.