Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ch-ch-ch-Changes and Genea-goals for 2010

It seems to me that the only constant in New Years' plans or resolutions is change.  If or when something doesn't quite work out they way we wanted in the previous year, we decide to make new plans, resolutions or goals.  All involve change.  So, with the plans I have for 2010, there will be some changes.

The first change is that I have started four new family history blogs, one for each of my ancestral lines.  They are:

You will find my personal family history genea-goals for each family posted on each blog.

The second change is that this blog, LOOKING4ANCESTORS, is becoming more of a professional genealogist blog.  The focus will be more on genealogy methodology, case studies, where to find records and less on my own personal family history.  Now, I hope that won't turn you away from continuing to read this blog, because I assure you I will still be my unusual, quirky self.  Think of it as family history how-to with a Kathryn twist to it!

My own goals for genealogy this coming year include:


  • Completing my Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies (PLCGS) in English and Canadian Studies in time for the planned graduation in October which may be held in Salt Lake City.
  • Answering more calls for speakers for genealogy conferences.
  • Having an article published in a recognized genealogy publication.
  • Officially open my genealogy business as a professional researcher and genealogy lecturer.
  • Attend one or two "big" genealogy conferences.
  • Meet other genea-bloggers and fellow ProGen 4 participants in real life.


2009 was a tough year.  'Nuf said.  I am looking forward to positive changes and challenges in 2010.  Bring it on!

Posted for the 87th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy.

Copyright 2009 by Kathryn Lake.