Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hard at Work Behind the Scenes

It's been quiet here on the LOOKING4ANCESTORS blog for the past few weeks.  However, that doesn't mean things have been quiet behind the scenes.  I have been hard at work.  Here is what's been happening:

First, I am back into the thick of it with my genealogical studies at the National Institute of Genealogical Studies.  Currently, I have two heavy-duty courses on the go with two more starting in February.  I am learning a lot!

Second, I am continuing with the ProGen4 Study Group. The assignments and chats with my peer group are fantastic.  The assignments are actually tying into the courses I am studying through NIGS.  I am thoroughly enjoying all of it, especially the interaction and feedback from other professionals.  I look forward to the chat sessions we have each month.

Third, I am working on a in-depth story over at my George Family Gleanings blog.  It involves the research I have been doing into the Lehotzky family.  They were good friends of my grandparents.  For many years I had wondered what had happened to Mrs. Lehotzky.  Now, I have some answers.  You can read the intro here at Remembering Mrs. Lehotzky: Introduction.

Fourth, I learned of an avenue of research I had not previously thought of for my brick-wall ancestor, William Ryckman.  I was reading an article in an old edition of Families (publication by the Ontario Genealogical Society).  The article was about London Surrogate Court Records at the D.B. Weldon Library at the University of Western Ontario.  Ah-ha!  These records may have the answers I'm looking for.  Time to make plans for a road trip.

Fifth, I treated myself to a full subscription to Find My Past.  I have been having a blast checking all sorts of records!  I'm hoping to sit down this week-end and get some research done into the 1911 English census.

Last, I created some new family trees at  just to see what information it could find on my ancestors. This has been a lot of fun and I have added some new information to my family files.

As you can see I have a lot of the go and all of it is good!  The only down side is that I haven't had as much time as I would like to blog.  I think as things progress with the above mentioned projects I will have more time, and more material to blog about.