Tuesday, September 3, 2019

This Week on Genealogy with a Canadian Twist Weekly Webinar: Researching Your Hudson's Bay Ancestors

Episode #39 Genealogy with a Canadian Twist
This Week we welcome Guest Presenter Christine Woodcock of Genealogy Tours of Scotland. Chris will be presenting "Researching Your Hudson's Bay Ancestors."
Beginning in about 1702, men from Scotland began being recruited by the Hudson's Bay Company. These men were indentured for a five- year term to work at York Factory in the Red River Settlement. We will look at the resources available for researching your Hudson’s Bay Company ancestor: Recruitment, Standards of Trade, Fur Trade Tokens, Employee Records, HBC and the Selkirk Settlers, Land Records, Online and Offline Sources for HBC Research.
Click here to register for this week's webinar

Webinar day is Thursday in North America, UK and Europe,
and Friday in Australia and New Zealand.
Click on the registration link above to adjust the webinar date and time for your time zone.

Looking Ahead to Episode #40 - The Final Episode
"All good things must come to an end." ~ Chaucer, 1374.
Come spend an hour or so as we say farewell to Genealogy with a Canadian Twist Weekly Webinars.
 Click here to register for this webinar.

© Copyright by Kathryn Lake Hogan, 2019. All Rights Reserved.