Friday, December 5, 2008

Fun Friday - Page 56 Addicted 1000?

Thanks to Randy at Genea-Musings for most of the content for this edition of Fun Friday. He comes up with some good, fun distractions on Saturday nights.

Here is the answer to the Question you all have been just dying to know: What is on page 56, sentence 5 of the closest book to me right now. And the answer is:

It's a map - double page spread. Yep, not enough sentences on the page, so I went to page 58. Sentence #5 says "Family historians will need maps of those countries, wherever they may be."
Althea Douglas. Genealogy, Geography, and Maps. Toronto: The Ontario Genealogical Society, 2006. p. 58.

Who is my 1000 person in my family history database? Good question. Hold on, I gotta go check...

It is Patrick William Kennet, husband of a 2nd cousin once removed, Dorothy Lake. I don't really know who he is and I don't have much information about Patrick other than his death date.

Well, wasn't that disappointing.

Hey, I wonder who #500 is.
Oh, this is much more interesting. It is my 7th great-granduncle, Anthony Van Slyke, born 15 December 1706. He is the son of Cornelis Van Slyke and Claartje Janse Bradt. Anthony's sister, Maria Van Slyke (1696 - ?) is my 7th great-grandmother. She was married to Johannes Ryckman (13 April 1705 - ?).

Looks like I have been tagged again for the 8 Things about You meme by Robert Baca of The Baca/Douglas Genealogy and Family History Blog.
You can read my answers at Eight More Random Facts About Me.

And finally... Are you addicted to Social Media? Find out at Social Media Addiction Quiz.

This is my result:

This quiz was provided by - Search & Social - Media Experts

Did you score 46% as well? I took the quiz again, and changed some of my answers. My score was still 46%. Maybe they don't want me to know how badly addicted I am!

Until next time, I hope you have a Fun Friday.